Surrey Talk Radio
Are you tired of not being heard in matters that you are concerned about? Well, we want to hear from you – talk to us LIVE and get it off your chest!!. We are THE VOICE OF SURREY

About Us
We are a community radio station in the City of Surrey, B.C. Canada. Called SURREY TALK RADIO. We offer a platform to discuss concerns about living in this ever changing and often daunting world.
SURREY TALK RADIO comes to you via the Internet. It is a live, interactive talk radio station. The shows have knowledgeable hosts who present a variety of topics. Listeners are invited to call in and voice their concerns, offer opinions, suggest solutions, and question studio guests on any pertinent topic.

Dear Potential Listener
I would like to introduce a new radio station based in the City of Surrey, B.C. called SURREY TALK RADIO aimed towards the older adults (>55 yrs.) of Surrey, in an attempt to assist them to address their fears and concerns of living in this ever changing and scary world.
SURREY TALK RADIO is an Internet – based broadcast, in the form of a live, interactive talk radio station. The shows will have knowledgeable, professional hosts, together with accountable for topic, studio guests. Listeners will be invited to call in to voice their opinions, their fears, and offer their proposed solutions to their concerns. They will be welcome to question the studio guests regarding these concerns.
It is our intention to build and strengthen community throughout the City of Surrey, actively engaging our listeners through high quality community radio programming that is informative, entertaining, and service oriented.
To start, the shows will be performed every Wednesday from 01 March 2023 with access via our website, for two hours starting 14h30.
Dear Potential Listener
I would like to introduce a new radio station based in the City of Surrey, B.C. called SURREY TALK RADIO aimed towards adults (>35 yrs.) of Surrey, in an attempt to assist them to address their fears and concerns of living in this ever changing and scary world.
SURREY TALK RADIO is an Internet based broadcast (webcast), in the form of live, interactive talk radio station. The shows will have knowledgeable professional hosts, together with accountable studio guests. Listeners are invited to call in to voice their opinions, their fears, and offer their proposed solutions to their concerns. They are welcome to question the studio guests regarding these concerns.
We intend to build and strengthen community throughout the City of Surrey, actively engaging our listeners through high quality community radio programming that is informative, entertaining, and service oriented.
The shows are performed every Wednesday from access via our website for two hours starting 14h30.
Ivan Scott
Ivan is a Canadian citizen, having emigrated from South Africa, together with wife Merle and two children in 1994 and he has been a resident of Surrey BC for the last 19 years. He is a Civil Engineer and has successfully constructed two large dams, two major over-river bridges, and a massive thermal power station, as well as many other large infrastructural projects in BC. Before taking retirement at the end of 2018, Ivan was Vice President (Operations) of Lafarge Construction Materials in British Columbia.
In 2019, Ivan started the KEEP THE RCMP IN SURREY CAMPAIGN (KTRIS) group and fought mayor McCallum on this for the next four years, finally achieving this goal by helping the Surrey Connect team win the council in the 2022 October municipal election.
Ivan got to appreciate the influencing power of media (both regular and social) during the KTRIS Campaign and Surrey Talk Radio is his next community project.