About Us


A very genuine hello to all those are looking at our website today.

I am Ivan Scott and I would like to introduce you to a project which is a community talk radio station based in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada.

Surrey Talk Radio is a grass-roots, non-funded, volunteer organization offering live, interactive, internet webcast shows for residents of the City of Surrey It is our intention to become THE VOICE OF SURREY.

Our hosts are dedicated to become world class, and who are expertly informed and trained with talk radio requirements and the subjects of discussion. They wish to become your voice, discussing your concerns – with you.

Surrey Talk Radio is an independent media organization that will engage with the local community to provide news, public affairs, and address issues of concern in the City of Surrey. It is our intention to build and strengthen community throughout the city, actively engaging our listeners through high quality community webradio programming that is informative, entertaining, helpful, and service oriented. Surrey Talk Radio is a grass-roots, non-funded, volunteer organization and we hope to exist on donations given by listeners who believe in our cause, which is explained as follows:

Surrey Talk Radio offers live, interactive, internet webcast shows to a target audience of 55 years and older residents of the City of Surrey, British Columbia, Canada. Its objective is to be the local webradio station that serves the needs of these residents. The station declares itself to be generally apolitical where Federal, Provincial and Municipal politics are concerned, but reserves the right to be critical of any of these governments in our shows and editorial opinions if we deem it to be in the best interests of our listeners and the station.

It is Surrey Talk Radio’s intention to become the VOICE OF SURREY. We will be the home of Truth-Talk and critical thinking on any subject that might be of concern to listeners. We aim to offer opportunities for people to share their experiences, their concerns, and their perspectives with their neighbours. Programming is designed to address the needs of persons not fully served by other media, and is intended to support healthy, informed and vibrant discussions. We will evaluate together with our audience whatever issue is important to them in today’s trying and often non-caring, living environment. It is also our intention to build and strengthen our community of Surrey.

Surrey Talk Radio is the idea and sole property of Ivan Scott (me) and the editorial direction and content of the station devolves to me. I will host each broadcast day’s two-hour show and I will cover issues such as politics, economy, safety, infrastructure, development, homelessness, drug problems, health care, etc., generally as they affect the City of Surrey. Investigation will be in a hard-ball type style, putting studio guests in the studio hot-seat with listener phone-in capability for questions to these guests.

I am a Canadian citizen, who immigrated from South Africa with my wife Merle and two children in 1994 and I have been a resident of Surrey for the last 19 years. I am a Civil Engineer by profession and have successfully constructed dams, bridges, and one massive thermal power station, as well as many other large infrastructural projects. Before taking retirement at the end of 2018, I was Vice President (Operations) of Lafarge Construction Materials in British Columbia.

In 2019, I started the KEEP THE RCMP IN SURREY CAMPAIGN (KTRIS) and together with Merle and thousands of KTRIS supporters and volunteers fought mayor McCallum for the next four years, finally achieving our goal by helping the Surrey Connect team win the council in the 2022 October municipal election. I got to appreciate the influencing power of media (both regular and social) during the KTRIS campaign, and Surrey Talk Radio is my next activist community project.

A typical Surrey Talk Radio Show will have the following format:

Every Wednesday, starting today from 2.30 to 4.30pm, an interactive, live show will be broadcast over the internet aimed at older adult residents of Surrey. It will be accessed via the Surrey Talk Radio website www.surreytalkradio.com . The show will accept telephone calls at 778-229-5108 during open-line portions. Each of the two hours will be divided into four segments:

We cover issues such as politics, the economy, safety, infrastructure, development, homelessness, drug problems, health care, inflation and anything else that is of concern, and which will have an effect on Surrey residents. Show are in a hard-ball type style, inviting relevant and important guests to our studio hot-seats, with listener phone-in capability for questions directly to these guests.

Surrey Talk Radio broadcasts every Wednesday afternoon for two hours (2.30 to 4.30). Surrey Talk Radio shows are accessed via the Surrey Talk Radio website www.surreytalkradio.net available from all browsers. The show will accept studio calls at +1 778-763-4970 during the open-line portions.

Targeted guests

Targeted Guests

  •  Mayor and Councilors
  • MPs
  • MLAs
  • BC Govt. Ministers
  • Fraser Health
  • Metro Vancouver
  • Surrey Board of Trade
  • Banking Leaders
  • Service Clubs
  • Labour Union
  • Fire and Policing Chiefs
  • Real Estate Associations
  • Community Associations
  • School Boards
  • Universities and Colleges
Complete the day's show
Segment 1 –
We give world news, Canadian news, and Surrey news from the previous week, together with our editorial opinion and analysis which will take us the 15 minutes to the quarter hour.
Segment 2 –
We introduce our studio guest for that day’s show and have a host-interview with the guest. This will take us the next 15 minutes up to the half-hour.
Segment 3 –

We open the studio telephone line and invite listeners to call in to make comments and ask a question of the studio guest. This will take the following 25 minutes.

Segment 4 –

5 minutes of wrap-up comments. This will then complete HOUR 1 of the show.

Thus ends HOUR 2 of the show, and completes the day’s show.

All four 15 minute segments will have essentially the same format – an improv discussion between the two hosts, generally about the topic that was discussed with that day’s studio guest (but not necessarily exclusive to this). The studio telephone line will be open for the whole hour and listeners are again invited to phone in and discuss any topic with the hosts, that is concerning to them.

Thus ends HOUR 2 of the show, and completes the day’s show.